Buses are a popular mode of transportation on the Puttur to Mangalore route due to their affordability, comfort, and convenience. Both state-owned and private bus operators offer services on this route, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey for passengers. ...Read more

Latest KSRTC Bus Timings from Puttur to Mangalore

Buses are a popular mode of transportation on the Puttur to Mangalore route due to their affordability, comfort, and convenience. Both state-owned and private bus operators offer services on this route, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey for passengers.

Timings: Buses from Puttur to Mangalore operate at regular intervals throughout the day. The first bus generally starts around 5:30 AM, and the last bus leaves around 10:30 PM. These timings may vary slightly depending on the bus operator and the day of travel. It is advisable to check the schedule in advance to plan the journey accordingly.

Distance: The road distance between Puttur and Mangalore is approximately 52 kilometers. The journey takes around 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the type of bus service chosen.

Ticket Prices: The ticket prices for buses on the Puttur to Mangalore route vary depending on factors like the type of bus, operator, and amenities provided. State-owned bus services are generally more affordable compared to private bus operators. The ticket prices can range from INR 50 to INR 150 per person. It is recommended to check with the specific operator or book online to get accurate and up-to-date ticket prices.

Travel Tips and Suggestions: 1. Plan your journey in advance: Due to the popularity of this route, it is advisable to plan your journey in advance and book tickets accordingly, especially during peak seasons and holidays.

2. Check the bus schedule: Make sure to check the bus schedule before your travel date to avoid any last-minute changes or cancellations.

3. Arrive early at the bus stand: To secure your seat and avoid any rush, it is recommended to arrive at the bus stand early.

4. Carry essentials: Carry essential items like water, snacks, medications, and entertainment options to make your journey comfortable.

5. Dress appropriately: Dress comfortably and carry a light sweater or shawl as the buses may have varying temperatures.

Transportation: Buses are the most convenient mode of transportation for this route. They offer a direct connection between Puttur and Mangalore, allowing passengers to relax and enjoy the scenic beauty of the surroundings.

Bus Service: Both state-owned and private bus operators provide services on the Puttur to Mangalore route. The state-owned bus operator, Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), offers regular bus services with multiple stops along the way. Private bus operators like SRS Travels, VRL Travels, and Canara Pinto Travels also operate on this route, providing additional options for travelers.

Affordable Travel: State-owned bus services are generally more affordable compared to private bus operators. KSRTC buses often have lower ticket prices, making them an excellent choice for budget-conscious travelers.

Private Bus Operator: Private bus operators on the Puttur to Mangalore route are known for their comfortable ride and quality of service. They offer various amenities like air conditioning, push-back seats, charging points, and clean interiors to enhance the travel experience.

Comfortable Ride: Both state-owned and private bus operators strive to provide a comfortable ride to passengers. The buses are well-maintained, and the seats are designed to ensure a comfortable journey. Passengers can relax, read a book, or even take a nap during the trip.

Quality of Service: The bus services on the Puttur to Mangalore route are known for their quality of service. The staff is courteous and helpful, and they ensure that passengers have a pleasant experience. The buses are regularly cleaned, and safety measures are in place to provide a secure journey.

Online Booking: To make the travel experience more convenient, many bus operators now offer online booking facilities. This allows passengers to book their tickets in advance, choose their preferred seats, and avoid the hassle of standing in long queues at the bus stand.

Luxury Bus Service: For those looking for a more luxurious travel experience, several private bus operators provide luxury bus services on the Puttur to Mangalore route. These buses are equipped with amenities like plush seats, spacious legroom, entertainment systems, and sometimes even Wi-Fi connectivity.

Luxury Bus Seats: Luxury buses often have comfortable, reclining seats with ample legroom to ensure a relaxed journey. Passengers can enjoy the scenic beauty outside while sitting comfortably in their seats.

Top-notch Bus Services: Private bus operators on the Puttur to Mangalore route strive to provide top-notch services to passengers. From cleanliness to on-time departures and arrivals, they aim to meet the expectations of travelers.

In conclusion, traveling by bus from Puttur to Mangalore is a convenient and affordable option. With both state-owned and private bus operators offering services on this route, travelers have a wide range of options to choose from. Whether you are looking for an affordable travel experience or a luxurious journey, the bus services on this route cater to all needs. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic beauty as you travel from Puttur to Mangalore by bus.

Buses from Puttur to
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