Zumaladinne Pincode: The pincode of Zumaladinne is 518345. This is the unique identification number assigned to the village for postal purposes. It helps to accurately identify the location when sending or receiving mail. ...Read more

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About Zumaladinne

Zumaladinne Pincode: The pincode of Zumaladinne is 518345. This is the unique identification number assigned to the village for postal purposes. It helps to accurately identify the location when sending or receiving mail.

Nearby Cities: Zumaladinne is situated in close proximity to several important cities in Andhra Pradesh. The nearest major city is Kurnool, which is approximately 50 kilometers away. Kurnool is a bustling city with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Other nearby cities include Tadpatri (25 kilometers) and Anantapur (142 kilometers).

Places to Visit in or Near Zumaladinne: Despite being a small village, Zumaladinne offers a few notable attractions that are worth visiting. One such place is the Veerabrahmendra Swamy Temple. This ancient temple is dedicated to Lord Veerabrahmendra Swamy, a renowned saint and prophet. The temple attracts devotees from far and wide who come to seek blessings and pay their respects.

Another interesting spot near Zumaladinne is the Belum Caves. Located approximately 98 kilometers away in Kurnool district, these caves are the second largest in India and are known for their stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations. Exploring the underground passages and witnessing the natural wonders within is an incredible experience.

For those interested in nature and wildlife, a visit to the Rollapadu Bird Sanctuary is highly recommended. Located around 81 kilometers from Zumaladinne, this sanctuary is home to a variety of avian species, including endangered species like the Great Indian Bustard. Birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts will be delighted by the diverse range of birds that can be spotted here.

How to Reach Zumaladinne: Zumaladinne can be reached by different modes of transportation.

- By air: The nearest airport is the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad, which is approximately 300 kilometers away. From the airport, one can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Zumaladinne.

- By train: Anantapur and Tadpatri are the major railway stations near Zumaladinne. Both stations are well-connected to major cities across the country. From the railway station, one can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach Zumaladinne.

- By road: Zumaladinne is well-connected by roads and is easily accessible by buses, taxis, or self-driven vehicles. The village is located on the NH 40 highway, which connects it to various cities in Andhra Pradesh and neighboring states.

Bus Services from Zumaladinne: Zumaladinne has a bus stand that operates regular bus services to and from nearby cities. The bus stand is well-maintained and has a timetable that ensures a smooth flow of transportation. The bus services provided are reliable and convenient for both locals and tourists.

Zumaladinne Bus Stand Timetable: The bus stand in Zumaladinne has a well-defined timetable that caters to the transportation needs of the village. The buses operate to and from nearby cities at regular intervals, ensuring that travelers have no difficulty in commuting. It is advisable to check the timetable at the bus stand or inquire with the locals for the latest schedule.

In conclusion, Zumaladinne may be a small village, but it is not short on attractions and charm. From its historical significance to its natural wonders, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you are a religious devotee, a nature enthusiast, or someone interested in exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, Zumaladinne has much to offer. So, plan your visit to this hidden gem in Andhra Pradesh and delve into its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty.

Pincode/postal code /zip code:518313

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