If you are planning a trip from Vijayawada to Ravulapalem, one of the most convenient and budget-friendly options available is by bus. With a well-connected network of buses, both state-owned and private bus operators, this journey is hassle-free and comfortable. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information about bus services, timings, ticket prices, travel tips, and suggestions for a smooth journey from Vijayawada to Ravulapalem. ...Read more

Latest APSRTC Express Bus Timings from Vijayawada to Ravulapalem

If you are planning a trip from Vijayawada to Ravulapalem, one of the most convenient and budget-friendly options available is by bus. With a well-connected network of buses, both state-owned and private bus operators, this journey is hassle-free and comfortable. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information about bus services, timings, ticket prices, travel tips, and suggestions for a smooth journey from Vijayawada to Ravulapalem.

Timings and Distance: The distance between Vijayawada and Ravulapalem is approximately 150 kilometers, which can be covered within a time frame of around 3 to 4 hours by bus, depending on traffic conditions. Buses are available throughout the day from early morning till late evening, ensuring flexibility in your travel plans. You can choose a departure timing that suits you the best.

Ticket Prices: The ticket prices for buses from Vijayawada to Ravulapalem vary depending on the type of bus service and the operator. Both affordable and luxury bus services are available, catering to different budgets and preferences. State-owned bus operators generally offer lower ticket prices compared to private operators, while luxury bus services may have higher fares for a more comfortable ride. On average, ticket prices range from INR 150 to INR 600.

Travel Tips and Suggestions: - Book your tickets in advance to secure your seat, especially during peak travel seasons or weekends when buses tend to be more crowded. - Check the bus schedule and timings online or inquire at the bus station to plan your journey accordingly. - Carry necessary essentials like water, snacks, and entertainment items to keep yourself comfortable during the journey. - Arrive at the bus station at least 15-30 minutes before the departure time to avoid any last-minute rush or confusion. - Be cautious about your belongings while traveling and keep them secure. - Dres

Travels name & Address Travels contact info. Updated Actions
Vijayawada APSRTC bus stand phone number:N/A
Updated on:0000-00-00 00:00:00
Updated by:Resident of this city
K.Sreenivasa Rao
Vijayawada K.Sreenivasa Rao bus stand phone number:N/A
Updated on:0000-00-00 00:00:00
Updated by:Resident of this city

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vennela AC (Sleeper)|Update

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